Nicolas Poulain a écrit :
> Hello,
> With mimetex and a set of markups, I have a (almost) LaTeX-compliant
> syntax on my site.
> If I write in one single line :
> $2x+3=5$ if and only if $x=1$
> I get what i expect : mimetex.php converts the two strings between the
> "$" in an image using the markup :
> Markup('$', 'directives', '/\\$(.*?)\\$/e', "Keep(Mimetex(PSS('$1')))");
> But sometimes formulas are not as simple and LaTeX formulas woud be more
> readable if they could be written on a couple of lines.
> Like this :
> $
> 2x+3 = 5
>   \Leftrightarrow
> x=1
> $
> I don't know how to write a markup to do this job.
> Thanks for your help.

I reply myself beacuse i dit it with the following :

Markup('$','_begin', '/\\$(.*?)\\$/se', "Keep('<div


Nicolas Poulain

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