On Monday 12 January 2009 04:37:13 DaveG wrote:
> When you use a pagelist you speficy a ftm=#abc, and PmWiki will search
> through pages speficied in $FPLTemplatePageFmt and find the appropriate
> section.
> Does something like this exist for includes?
> For Blogger, I'm want to provide a way for skins to override the layout
> of certain sections. That way a skin can reposition blog entry element,
> (like putting the date at the end of the entry), without having to edit
> the main Blogger templates.

Yes, you can have 
  (:include {*$Group}.BloggerTemplate Site.LocalBloggerTemplate 

and the first one found will be used.

See and do some tests with the examples at:

(I am not sure "include Page1 Page2 #from#to" works as advertized.)


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