On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, Petko Yotov wrote:

- include a page called Wikipublisher.Wikipublisher in the package's

I dislike multiple wikilib.d/ directories added by recipes, for these reasons:
* Wikis using (good) custom PageStore solutions, may literally be broken if a
  (badly written) recipe replaces the existing WikiLibs array with something it
  considers universal.
* In case the recipe is enabled for some groups or pages only, the docs will
  magically disappear (unless they are in the same groups or pages).

I have a preference for adding the docs in the standard wikilib.d directory
and not forcing a new one for two reasons:
* it is simpler;
* PmWiki runs slightly faster (considerably faster if 12 recipes add 12 custom
  wikilib directories).

I prefer having a separate wikilib.d/ because it allows me to better use a version control system (VCS). It's typically possible to have several subdirectories belonging to different repositories, but it doesn't work having files from diffrerent repositories in a single wikilib.d/.

I often install PmWiki and some of the other stuff using VCS, I find it gives me better flexibility and control of what files and of which versions I have.

On a somewhat related note, at http://www.lyx.org, I'm using Subversion to also control the files in wiki.d/ -- so far I really like that approach althogh it's very annoying that line breaks aren't linebreaks inside the page files. On that site I took a slightly different approach and imported all the PmWiki files into the repository that also contains all the page files. In fact, the entire site is available from a single repository for the purpose of making it easy to set up a mirror site.

As for PmWiki running slightly faster without many wikilib.d/, have you done any benchmarking? And if there is a significant difference, perhaps caching the directory listings could help? Since the files in wikilib.d/ change so rarely, it probably make sense to maintain a separate index file for their contents.

Right now, the appropriate category to use is probably [[!recipe]]
or [[!skin]] for skin documentation.

I prefer [[!PmWiki Recipe]] and/or [[!PmWiki Skin]]. Wikis could be used for other things like food recipes, or software packages and skins, we shouldn't occupy categories that might have other uses by the websites.

Good point.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44            http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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