On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 03:14:12PM +0000, Hans wrote:
> Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 3:01:10 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > I'm also not a big fan of switching PmWiki's default.  Perhaps
> > providing an option to switch the default is a possibility, but
> > even here I think that trying to explain what it does (and
> > figuring out all of its ramifications) indicates that we're probably
> > heading down the wrong path.
> In this case I do not see great harm but only more clarity in
> changing the default. 

...in which case we simply declare that the default is 
"last wins", which is clear and also doesn't require
any changes to the code.  

If we're to change the default to "first wins", I need
a really strong case for doing so.  I don't necessarily
agree that "first wins" is automatically more intuitive -- 
it's not more intuitive to me.


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