On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 09:57:08AM -0800, Karl Schilke wrote:
> I tried making an InterMap like this:
>          DOI:      http://dx.doi.org/$1
> However, when I write something like 'Ghasemi, et al.  
> (DOI:10.1021/la701126t) found that ...' in a PmWiki page, the URL I  
> get is 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1021', which is missing the important  
> bits at the end.
> Is there some way to make this work? 

I just now did the same thing on pmwiki.org, and it appears 
to work fine there:


So, I'm guessing it must be something specific about your installation
of PmWiki that is causing the problem.


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