Hans wrote:
> Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 10:01:48 PM, Sandy wrote:
>> Does Dreamweaver create and upload html (and css) files, or does it
>> upload something that merges skin and data on the fly, making it much 
>> harder to make emergency corrections directly on the server?
> It has been a while since i used Dreamweaver, but it used to upload
> either just the HTML page, or the page and dependant files. A dialog
> popped up asking what kind of upload you want. You could set which
> method you preferred as default, to avoid being asked each time.
>   ~Hans

What do you mean by dependent files? CSS, js, php, and other things a 
knowlegable person can edit directly (with the right password),

or something that actually needs Dreamweaver to edit it?

 From the online tutorials, I see no technical reason I can't edit the 
html files on her server directly, to make small changes to the site, 
but she's of the opinion that it's impossible.

(I'm not suggesting I actually do it. Her site is pretty good, and her 
developer reasonably responsive when she needs to update it. I just want 
to get my own facts straight.)



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