On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Jo Vermeulen <jo.vermeu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been experimenting with a few wikis lately in order to use one as
> the backend for my personal website. I was partly motivated by an article
> about WikkaWiki [1] that described how it can be tuned to allow only the
> administrator to edit pages. Moreover, they also modify the skin to hide
> wiki actions and the typical wiki look and feel (see [2] for details). The
> reason I want to use a wiki as a backend for my website is that I want to
> focus on the content, and want to easily add a few things on my website or
> reorganize content.
> Although I did experiment a bit with WikkaWiki, I have also been looking
> into PmWiki because I like its features and customizability (amongst others
> flat files, the ability to upload, wiki trails and wiki groups).
> I was wondering how I can use PmWiki as an invisible wiki backend. I
> figured out how to allow only admins to edit pages, but I'm not sure how I
> can easily hide edit/view/history etc. actions. Is there any PHP variable
> that I can use in my template (I'm creating a custom skin) to hide the
> actions bar at the bottom of the page?
> Thanks in advance!
> [1] http://www.academicproductivity.com/2009/how-to-run-an-invisible-wiki/
> [2] http://docs.wikkawiki.org/InvisibleWiki

I do this for almost all my sites; I call them "stealth wikis".  See

Tegan Dowling

"The future’s here already. It’s just unevenly distributed." -- William
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