One of these approaches may be best, depending on what you want to do:

1. Change the title of the page by putting (:title YOUR NEW TITLE:) on the page. Then show the page's title instead of the page's name, by linking like this:

* [ [ A new page | + ] ]

(That is, after the page name insert a vertical bar followed by a plus sign.)

2. Use the link format noted above, but after the vertical bar use whatever text you want instead of a plus sign. (No need to change the page title.)


If you just want to change the name that appears in the link

On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:04 AM, Peter Bowers wrote:

To rename a page the simplest way is to

(1) go to the edit screen on the old page, select all the text, copy
(2) go to the edit screen on the new page and paste

2009/3/24 Alasdair McAndrew <>
I have a list of links in my sidebar (with the sinorca skin), all of which are edited by

* [[A new page]]

Recently I wished to changed one of those names, but keep the page it was linked to, rather than have a new page created automatically. How can I best do this?

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