2009/6/2 Randy Brown <ra...@brownragfilms.com>:
> How do I prepend text to the Summary when the user submits a form? I already
> know how to set a default value, and how to get a user-entered value, but
> not how to mix the two.
> For example, If the user enters "I changed X" I want to prepend "Modified
> {*$FullName} - " and have the summary end up as "Modified MyPage - I changed
> X"

Is it the entry in the page history (action=diff) that you want to
change, or the entry on RecentChanges pages? If the first, you'll need
to prepend a function to the $EditFunctions array (looped through when
a page is saved) that'll change the contents of the new page's "csum"
and "csum:$Now" fields to whatever you want. If the latter, you should
define your own $RecentChangesFmt array.

Alternatively, you could do the replacement using Javascript when the
edit form is submitted.


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