Petko Yotov wrote:
On Sunday 12 July 2009 17:30:48 Ed W wrote:
The reason this matters is that I am using a different on disk pattern
for filenames, and so while the default wiki doesn't care about the
different between [[PmWiki Philosophy]] and [[PmWikiPhilosphy]], my
system does and at present the docs are significantly broken because of
the inconsistent use of both

Maybe you could enable your own custom disk patterns on WikiGroups other than PmWiki/ ? Like, for example :

if( !preg_match("/^(PmWiki|Site|SiteAdmin)[\\.\\/]/", $pagename) ){
$MakePageNamePatterns = array( /* your own patterns */

This way, the links in those groups should still work as they do in the default installation, and all your other pages should be fine too.

Only cross-group links between the two versions may be more difficult, but are they very frequent? (In which case, a couple of InterMap definitions could be helpful.)

That's certainly an excellent suggestion whcih I will probably follow anyway!
However, I think it's still worth persuing and fixing the original issue

Ed W
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