is built with v2.1.26.  I don't have a
wikigroup for each teacher, though -- I couldn't convince them to use
it that way. has a bloggish part at that uses a bunch
of custom pieces -- but the new bloge recipe (I think it's called)
might be more fully developed.

My main concern here would be security -- once you start having
classrooms and instructors using the site, they are likely to want to
let their kids use it, too -- I would hope so, anyhow!  But that
probably means per-user authorization/authentication, with usernames
and individual passwords and preferably addons to automate that.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Adam Eyring <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been roped as a volunteer into coming up with a revised website for my
> kid's school using pmwiki (the budget is too low for a site produced by a
> paid consultant). I've been using pmwiki for neighorhood and alumni groups.
> It's going to be more challenging to do the school because teachers would
> like to have their own password-protected pages for posting assignments (not
> grades because there is a separate system for that). The principal also
> would love to add notes now and then like a blog. I can see this being all
> possible, but I'd like to hear from others who have created school sites and
> associated issues.
> Thank you and I look forward to your response.
> Adam
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