On Thursday 24 September 2009 17:02:04 Patrick Ogay Evolution wrote:
> For our chorus I like to create a form so people can reserve places for
> a concert.
> I like to improve the functinality here:
> http://www.baselinside.ch/Zeronove/Reservationen
> at the moment the sender is:
> www-data <www-d...@vps185.sui-inter.net>
> can I assign an other sender? (or do I have to change server
> configuration, urgh).

Don't use an input field "Email", use "from" :

 E-Mail: (:input text from size=30:)

This way, the message you receive will appear as sent from the address of the 
visitor. You can press the "Reply" button in your e-mail software to reply to 

> The other point is that I like to send a confirmation to the user,
> when the form variable {$$Email} is set.
> I'm wondering how I can use this variable from config.php:
> $PmForm['maildemo'] = 'mailto="p...@ddy.ch,{$$Email}" ...

You shouldn't : this opens the door to spammers. Instead, you can send the 
user to a "successpage" on the wiki.

In the mailform template:
  (:input hidden successpage Main.MessageSent:)

Or, in the mailpost template:
  (:template default successpage=Main.MessageSent:)


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