I'm running on php5, and mmcache is enabled. I've not noticed any issues.

If you wanted to disable it, from what I can see on my php settings 
page, you'd have to set eaccelerator.enable to 0 to disable the cache. 
It seems like you can do this from htaccess like this:
   php_flag eaccelerator.enable 0
   php_flag eaccelerator.optimizer 0

  ~ ~ Dave

On 10/8/2009 2:31 PM, Sandy wrote:
> Do we still need to deactivate MMCache in php.ini to use php5 ? The
> features page says we do.
> http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PmWikiFeatures
> I'm with 4.something on my current host, but am going to make a new
> site, and it makes sense to start it with the current version of
> everything. (We won't mention how long it's been since I updated my
> other site.)
> If we still need to do it, where is a good reference on how to do this?
> The ones I found are either incomplete (don't say where the file is),
> scary (I need to copy the entire file from somewhere else and edit one
> line on my local copy, and create another file at the same time, and
> change a default path), out-of-date, or written for admins who already
> edit php.ini and just neeed reminders of what each setting does.
> That doesn't fit Philosphy 5, Be easy to install, configure, and maintain.
> What happens if we don't deactivate it? It's a small site, with no large
> images. There might be a few large files for download. (No, it's not a
> pirate site. Dad is making some circuits to sell to owners of Collins
> radios. The images will be small, but the pdf users' manual might be 1-2MB.)
> Whether it needs to be deactivated or not, us amateurs could use a bit
> more guidance in the pmwiki manual, even a link to a good reference,
> than is currently there.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sandy
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