On 4/19/2010 8:26 PM, ABClf wrote:
Hi the list !

I was in trouble for using (:thumblist:) in a large hidden PTV
(:myptv: long text :).
Here it is my problematic source:

(:text: some long text, where I want images (:thumblist:) some more text:)

doesn't work when showing {$:text} ; I guess it is because of the
thumblist's « :) »
You might want to try defining a new markup to declare variables, and then use that as a wrapper for variable declarations that need to contain markup. You can see this in action in BlogIt, which stores blog entries as multi-line PTVs. The foundation is setting $PageTextVarPatterns. In BlogIt for example, this pattern allows this format [[#blogit_VARIABLE_NAME]]:...[[#blogit_VARIABLE_NAMEend]] to store a variable, in addition to the normal (:...:...:) pattern.

$PageTextVarPatterns['[[#anchor]]'] = '/(\[\[#blogit_(\w[_-\w]*)\]\](?: *\n)?)(.*?)(\[\[#blogit_\2end\]\])/s';

 ~ ~ Dave

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