oh great. i'll take a look at this Dave.

On 11 Jun 2010, at 7:10 PM, DaveG wrote:

On 6/11/2010 9:14 PM, adam overton wrote:

Hi there!

i'm thinking about spending some time this summer using fox to create an
alternate edit-form for my wikis. the point would be to display a
"simplified"/prettified edit-page-interace when an editor calls
something like ?action=editsimple. I imagine it would probably do some
of the following:

1. detect and extract any PTVs from the current page and present them as
1-line text inputs
2. detect and extract any PTV sections from the current page, and
present them as a multi-line text area
3. present the text for the page in a large text area (like usual), but
minus all the PTV & PTV section markup
3. automatically add any common/necessary explanations next to or above
some of these fields
In essence, this is what BlogIt does, using PTVs formatted with PmForm. The key functions are bi_HandleBrowse() which handles the 'viewing' of the form (with no action specified, but that's easy to implement), and then bi_HandleProcessForm() which handles the action when the user submits new values from the page form.

 ~ ~ Dave

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