On 8/8/2010 12:52 PM, michael paulukonis wrote:
I'm trying to set up a BlogIt blog, and while I can get it to work for
myself as the admin, the posts are not visible to anybody else (or
myself, when logged-out).

Additionally, the "RecentlyWritten" section is always blank, whether
logged-in, or not
I think this is because you specified $bi_DefaultGroup, and created blog entries in another group. (Ref response to your other email)

The BlogIt admin-panel for published entries allows me to see my two
published [hopefully, see note below on status confusion] entries, and
I can navigate there to view the entries. But once I log-out, the
entry is invisible.
If you are not logged in as an admin, then the admin-panel will not be visible. Blog entries should be visible to non-authenticated users from the main blog list - the page where you put the
  (:includesection "#blog-summary-pagelist blogid=blog1 status=publish":)

I'm a little confused by the authorizations and terminology on the
BlogIt cookbook page... the default AuthUser example is for two users,
I want only one (myself).
I've provided a sample as a response to the other email.

Additionally, I'm confused by the differing terminology... at some
points, "blog" appears to refer to an individual post/page... at other
times, it refers to a group of posts belonging to a person.
I try to use blog-entry to mean a single post, and a blog to mean the list of all posts. I may not be consistent, so if you can improve it, your help would be welcome.

Although "blogid" is required for the main blog page, I can't find
this defined anywhere; I'm assuming that "blog1" is the default id for
a single blog.
Correct, blog1 is the default if you only have a single blog. If you want more than one blog, define:
  $bi_BlogList = array('blog1','blog2')

Does a non-logged in reader need to have view permissions created?
No. The norm is for non-authenticated users to view blog-entries.

This is confusing, since the recipe page says "Most blogs are not
public". I do want my blog to be public; but restrict administration
to myself.
The behavior you want is the norm. Blog-entries are public; administration requires authentication. Again, if you have an alternate phrasing, feel free to propose or change it.

"Publish" and "Published" are used at different times to refer to an
post status. Since "Publish" is a verb, I would think this is the
action required to move a post from "Draft" to "Published" (and not a
status itself). So I'm not entirely sure I've actually changed the
entry from draft to published.
The term Published simply refers to blog-entries of status Publish. You can view the blog-entry status from a number of places -- probably easiest is from the edit screen.

However, I do have distinct entires appearing under the "Published"
and "Draft" pages. Also slightly confused by the word "Publish"
appearing under "Action" on the "Published page"... this suggests to
me that they are NOT published....
The bold Draft/Publish on the admin-list is meant to be a sub-header. the Action header refers to the action-links under that (edit/delete, etc).

  ~ ~ Dave

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