A while ago we had a similar discussion about markup for nesting >><<, with
variations on themes such as >>>><<<<

I feel that counting the number of colons may have similar drawbacks, I
wonder if we can find a scheme similar to (:if1 and (:div1 that might work,
and have the advantage of being similar,
eg (:1:Name:Value:)


On 15 August 2010 13:58, Patrick R. Michaud <pmich...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 07:38:24PM +0200, Peter Bowers wrote:
> > >> >      (::text: (:thumblist:) ::)
> >
> > I think this is a great idea to improve flexibility.
> >
> > Can it be done maintaining backward compatibility with recipes that
> > use $PageTextVarPattern?
> Agreed, preserving $PageTextVarPattern might be tricky.  I'll have
> to look into that -- I definitely won't do anything that might
> impact the interpretation of $PageTextVarPattern.
> It's possible that we'll only provide the two-colon case and not
> generalize it to more colons than that.
> Pm
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