'Pct' is replaced by % in markup translation.

in scripts/wikistyles.php

> SDVA($WikiStyleRepl,array(
>   '/^%(.*)%$/' => '$1',
>   '/\\bbgcolor([:=])/' => 'background-color$1',
>   '/\\b(\d+)pct\\b/' => '$1%',
>   ));

I use this code on pmwiki.org

> %block width=50pct % xx %%
and it produces

> <p style="width: 50%;"> xx
> </p>

Hope this helps.

2011/6/12 Tamara Temple <tamouse.li...@gmail.com>:
> In http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/WikiStyles , one of the Known Issues
> is:
> "Percents in style definitions (like: %block width=50% %) require the use
> "pct" instead of "%"."
> This is a REAL pain, because "pct" is not valid (nor necessarily
> CSS unit. Thus my desire to have 3 divs side-by-side each taking up 1/3 of
> the space is not possible without rewiring the skin template, thus making
> not portable to other skins. Is there ANY chance this can be fixed?
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