OK. First a note on permissions.

I had read the PmWiki page on permissions.

"On a Unix host the webserver typically runs with a userid and groupid that
is different from the account holder."

So the permission are usually set:
directories except pub/ and uploads/ 755
files 644
pub/ and /uploads 777

But in our case, the user account I use to administer the site has been
configured to be in the same group that the Apache server is in.

So I should be able to use:
directories except pub/ and uploads/ 750
files 640
pub/ and /uploads 770

And in fact that works, on the production site that's running PmWiki 2.1.27.

So, I tried a different tack. I copied the working site to the test site,
but set the permissions back to the usual case (755/644/777) and confirmed
that all uses of $FullName in Site.PageActions are changed to *$FullName.
Site works, of course.

I apply the upgrade. Now I see something I should have seen before, but
didn't. I get an upgrade notice about relocating Site.ApprovedUrls ->
SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls. When I click on the 'Relocate pages listed above'
button, I get caught in a loop:

"PmWiki can't process your request

Cannot write page to SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls
(wiki.d/SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls)...changes not saved"

Which has a link back to the test site, which offers to 'Relocate pages
listed above'.

So I manually copied Site.ApprovedUrls from the production site to the test
site as SiteAdmini.ApprovedUrls.

Now PmWiki complains:

"PmWiki can't process your request

Cannot acquire lockfile"

So I deleted the .flock file in directory wiki.d on the test site.

No change. I continue to be unable to access the site, because PmWiki
complains it cannot acquire lockfile.

I'm stuck. I have a production site running 2.1.27 which works fine, but I
have a test site which has a copy of the production site which as been
upgraded to 2.2.26. I can't access this site.

Solution: leave production site running 2.1.27 and forget about upgrading.

-- Rich

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Richard Talley <rich.tal...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I recently took over administration of a site using PmWiki 2.1.27, so it's
> long overdue for an upgrade.
> I carefully read through the release notes for all the changes from that
> version up to the current version, 2.2.26.
> It appears that the major change that would affect this site is
> making $EnableRelativePageVars on by default.
> First I copied the entire installation to a test site, changing $ScriptUrl
> and $PubDirUrl appropriately. I double-checked that all file permissions and
> ownerships were identical to the original site. Test site came up and
> functioned correctly.
> In looking at the installation, I determined that the only thing that would
> be affected by the change in $EnableRelativePageVars would be PageActions,
> so I edited all the PageActions to use *$FullName instead of $FullName. Test
> site continued to function correctly.
> I then applied the upgrade. Now I can't edit any page. I don't get asked
> for the password.
> If I go to the Site page, I get asked to give my Site Administration
> password, but I can't edit anything there either.
> Any suggestions?
> -- Rich
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