Would it possible to have the original timestamp format for local users too?
ie "June 15, 2011, at 07:11 AM" instead of 2011-06-15 7:11 

Just a small useability issue:
I was thinking in terms http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Site/AllRecentChangesShort 
as a common reference point for page changes.
So while chatting if I refer a page name by timestamp to someone(different 
locale),  both of us have to refer the tooltip to get the correct reference.
Just thinking if tooltip showing the local time of the visitor would be better 
Also kinda used to the old AllRecentChangesShort format. :-)


On Monday 06 Jun 2011 1:25:00 am Petko Yotov wrote:
> Hello.
> This new recipe displays the date/time stamps on RecentChanges pages and on
> page histories in the local time of the visitor -- instead of the time of
> Houston, Texas, I see the dates and times in my Central European Time.
>   http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/LocalTimes
> The recipe is now enabled on pmwiki.org, as most of us who regularly edit
> and maintain the site at the moment are from many different time zones
> around the world. :-)
> I'd like to invite you to test if it works with your browser, especially
> with Internet Explorer on Windows as I don't have an easy access to these
> browsers. If you experience a problem, please notify me on the Talk page or
> via e-mail.
>   Demo: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Site/AllRecentChangesShort
> Thanks,
> Petko
> P.S. The recipe doesn't rewrite timestamps in author signatures or in page
> footers, yet.
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