I left the mock-up there so people could add or modify the skin idea
more easily, before it is finally "put on paper".

Change the size and proportions, decide to use the search as an action
on the action bar or put the form somewhere on the side bar and other
changes people may find significant.

You did put it all together nicely, but a little bit of care with the
size and proportions would make it look better.

Also, the dark frame around the content area, helps a bit to make It
look less simpler.

The css and tmpl are smaller and simpler than PmWiki's default and
that is a good thing.

Another thing to look at is if the skin looks good in different
browsers and if layout won't break in different situations with those
same browsers.

Other than that, it looks ok to me.

Thank you,


On 9/18/11, Rogutės Sparnuotos <rogu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Carlos AB (2011-09-13 22:04):
>> Hi Forgeot, List,
>> I have created a group Called "NewSkinIdeas" and posted an initial idea
>> there in
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/NewSkinIdeas/CarlosAB
>> Feel free to comment and post new ideas.
> I found the minimal design of your mock-ups attractive and made a skin:
> http://demo.neto.li/pmwiki-carlskin/
> http://demo.neto.li/pmwiki-carlskin/pub/skins/carlskin/pmwiki.tmpl
> http://demo.neto.li/pmwiki-carlskin/pub/skins/carlskin/pmwiki.css
> I am not yet sure were to use it, but it will find a place :)
> Anyone else interested in this design, should I upload it to pmwiki.org?
> What about something similar as a new default?
> Some random points regarding this discussion, after making my skin and
> looking through http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/01265:
> 1. The default skin should be updated. It doesn't have to be a complete
>    facelift, and the new skin shouldn't become too complex. But is there a
>    consensus which path to take (more features or less clutter)?
>    My skin doesn't show any new features, but I find its .tmpl and .css
>    files simpler than pmwiki's default.
>    The wordpress.org and textpattern.com examples others posted are too
>    loaded for me.
> 2. In my skin, it is easy to add configurable colors, include
>    Site.WikiFoot as a footer page, but it is hard to find a place for a
>    header and a searchbox. Though constraining, such a minimal design
>    forces us to abandon clutter.
> 3. It is hard to „Easily switch to right sidebar.“ without using tables
>    (various scrolling, text zooming, overflow problems arise). Are there
>    any new sites using tables nowadays?
> 4. I think that it is impossible to have a flexible layout and a centered
>    page, though full-zoom of modern browsers might be a solution (but one
>    mustn't forget that the point of zoom is to increase the text size).
> --
> --  Rogutės Sparnuotos

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