Hi. Does anybody know how can I get clean URLs in lower-case, like
"http://mysite.com/main/homepage"; instead of
"http://mysite.com/Main/Homepage"; ? Here's my .htaccess file:

# Use mod_rewrite to enable "Clean URLs" for a PmWiki installation.
RewriteEngine On
# Define the rewrite base.
RewriteBase /sites/rodrigomolinaro
# Send requests without parameters to pmwiki.php.
RewriteRule ^$ pmwiki.php [L]
# Send requests for index.php to pmwiki.php.
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ pmwiki.php [L]
# Send requests to pmwiki.php, appending the query string part.
RewriteRule ^([A-Z0-9\xa0-\xff].*)$ pmwiki.php?n=$1 [QSA,L]

Thank you for any help!


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