On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 11:12:55AM -0500, Crisses wrote:
> Then I put a template into GroupHeader, so it would be displayed on every 
> page.  Normal text and PTVs work fine in the GroupHeader, but this failed:
> (:pagelist name={*$FullName} fmt=#person:)
> To be sure, I also attempted the stock pagelist template:
> (:pagelist name={*$FullName} fmt=#title:)
> Both died silently.
> However this worked:
> (:pagelist name=Group/SpecificPage fmt=#person:)

Out of curiosity, does this work?

    (:pagelist name=Group.SpecificPage fmt=#person:)

I agree that what you're seeing is quite odd; at first glance it
seems to me like it ought to be working as you expect.


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