I've been very satisfied with userauth2 on my PmWiki site, which has
been running with a fair amount of traffic (but only a half dozen user
accounts) for over 3 months now. A few days ago, though, I noticed
that over 10,000 files were residing in
cookbook/userauth2/session_data. Most of the files were only a day or
two old. I haven't made any changes to the userauth2 configuration in
a while, and I never noticed that kind of buildup of session files

Because my quota restricts me to 15,000 files in my webspace, this
buildup of files is a problem. Any idea why so many session files are
being created, and what I might be able to do to cap how many session
files are stored?

As a remedy, I've been running this from the command line a few times a day:
cookbook/userauth2/session_data>$ ls -t | tail -1000 | while read
file; do rm $file; done

Thanks in advance,

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