On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 6:13 AM, Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:
> Vince Administration writes:.
>> But I have been working with the two complementary recipes,
>> UpdateForm and SelectQuery
>> They do work well together, but needed a few changes and bug corrections
>> to work in our environment.
>> But  I didn't know how to make these public, or even if anyone cared.  So
>> since the idea behind this message is the same,
>> I am finally getting around to asking.
> If a recipe is abandoned by its maintainer and you wish to continue
> supporting it, you can become the maintainer of that recipe. Alternatively,
> you can either attach your files to the recipe and explain how they differ,
> or create a different recipe, especially if the features or the syntax
> differ.
> Petko

I'm thinking of this as a different enough from original recipe, as it
combines features from the original, and the one written Andy
Kaplan-Myrth and a version I hacked to sort of span the two versions.

I think this version I have now is quite a bit different from the
originals, although in the same functional area. It is configured
quite differently, following examples from other recipes and PmWiki
script code.

I'm going to put it up as a different recipe, I think. I've been
calling the recipe itself "addlinks-tag2", but I think the recipe name
in the Cookbook might be better called "AddLinkBookmarklets2" or

This will be the first new recipe page I'll have written, so I'd like
to get it right.

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