just figured the problem out myself. my local config.php for the en field was 
missing $FarmD/ in the path for the utf-8 script. curiously this did not matter 
on the dev server though, probably because of differences in the mod_rewrite 

sorry for bothering you guys.

take care

On Jul/05, 2012, at 1448 , a.sonderh...@gassi-tv.de wrote:

> I just transferred a site from the dev to the live server and encountered a 
> strange behavior: on one field of the farm (the main field) the encoding is 
> perfectly as expected (utf-8, same as outputted by dev server), on the other 
> field it is partially utf-8 (e. g. <title>) and the rest renders in iso latin 
> 1 (dev server outputs utf-8).
> differences between live and dev server (apart from deviations in apache 
> conf) are mainly different php versions (5.3.3 on live, 5.3.13-nmm1 on dev 
> server). is the encoding problem due to the often mentioned utf encoding 
> function bug in earlier php versions?
> my installation is running on pmwiki-2.2.37
> main field: http://www.comtrans.de/de
> other field: http://www.comtrans.de/en
> thanks in advance for your help.
> take care
> josh

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