hi clemens

if you want to have a really quick and dirty (and ultrafast) way to change the 
links, you could simply override them client side with jquery. of course this 
comes with the usual drawbacks (clients need to have javascript enabled and the 
additional overhead of loading the jquery framework).

for a pmwiki specific solution have a look at FoxTextReplace by hans bracker 

take care

On Jul/06, 2012, at 1429 , Clemens Gruber wrote:

> Hi, I have to change some URLs in an existing wiki with more than hundred 
> pages.
> The old links is something like that
> http://example.com/aaaaaa/bbbb/more-stuff.html?x=1&y=2&y=3
> the new links
> http://example.com/hhhhhh/jjjj/more-stuff.html?x=1
> Have to do it on the wiki, no chance to do it on the remote server via 
> redirect / htaccess I do not need any documentation of this change (history) 
> so my idea is search and replace on file level all files under wiki.d .
> Are there any side effects you think not do do it this way? Are there more 
> elegant ways (e.g. with documentation as diff) to do this?
> Is there any script where I can specify old (search for) and new (replace 
> with) text parts
> http://example.com/aaaaaa/bbbb/more-stuff.html?x=1&y=2&y=3 | 
> http://example.com/hhhhhh/jjjj/more-stuff.html?x=1
> http://example.com/aaaaaa/bbbb/more-stuff.html?x=4&y=5&y=6 | 
> http://example.com/hhhhhh/jjjj/more-stuff.html?x=4
> http://example.com/aaaaaa/bbbb/more-stuff.html?x=7&y=8&y=9 | 
> http://example.com/hhhhhh/jjjj/more-stuff.html?x=7
> Regards
> Clemens
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