
The problem is styles surrounded by %  % , even those built in to PmWiki.

%red%This text will be red. -- same error.

That's worrisome. The same test on another site with the same host, but probably a different server, doesn't have a problem. I update them at the same time.

Next step? This isn't urgent. It's an old personal site.

Would going to the latest PmWiki help? I last upgrade in August.

More info:
Apache version  2.2.22
PHP version     5.2.17

I've set up an ftp account if that would help. I think all PmWiki's diagnostics are turned on.

Thanks again,


On 10/27/2012 7:08 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:32:40PM +0200, Peter Bowers wrote:
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Sandy <> wrote:
I added a debug line suggested by another user to show some page variables.
That might help someone who knows the guts. I can add another line if that
would help. (I don't write PHP, but can recognize a bit from other

FYI the debug statement revealed that the "page" being aborted within
ResolvePageName is "406.SHtml".

I think 406 is the status code used by mod_security when rejecting
pages.  That would imply to me that the page/POST content contains
something that mod_security doesn't like, causing it to return a 406
HTTP status.

So, I think something in the webserver configuration is translating that
to be a request for a custom 406.shtml page, then passing _that_ off
to PmWiki (which then complains about it being an invalid pagename).

Try posting the contents of the page to a different (temporary) page
(which should also fail in the same way).  Then you can start removing
content until you find out what mod_security is carping about.


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