On 27/02/13 23:37, tamouse mailing lists wrote:
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Steve Glover <steve.glo...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
When users are logged into my sites, the Site.PageNotFound pages work.

Is there any way, please, of getting them to work for users who aren't
logged on (I use AuthUser and CleanURLs)?

Is that page world readable?

I'd thought so - I'd set the read permissions to blank with "clear" - forgetting that the default for Site.* would still keep them invisible.

Look at SiteAdmin/AuthList (must be logged in as admin) and see if
that page has something making it not readable.

That did the trick - @nopass is my friend.

Many thanks


Steve Glover: SDSS, EDINA, Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside EH9 1PR
e:steve.glo...@ed.ac.uk t:0131 650 2908 f:0131 650 3308 m:07961 446 902

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