On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 11:36 AM, John Bowling <johnlb2...@cox.net> wrote:
> The purpose is to not allow anyone who happens to stumble onto the site
> I have created or modified the Main.HomePageAttributes (under wikilib.d) os:
> version=pmwiki-2.2.30 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
> charset=UTF-8
> name=Main.HomePageAttributes
> passwdattr=@clear
> passwdedit=@clear
> rev=3
> time=1315674224
> and similar for the groups and group.page that I want to control. I have
> notices that some revert to @lock
> One problem is on going to the site initially always comes up asking for a
> password, regardless what appears in passwd.... in the attributes file. Only
> the admin password works
> On the pages I want to control, that does not happen (I have not yet set
> them to use a password, leaving them @clear)
> So, why initial access at Home requires a password, when identical on pages
> does not?
> My current local/config.php has passwords only for admin and edit. read is
> there as crypt('');

Oh, get rid of the read one entirely; crypt('') does not do what you think:

$ php -r 'echo crypt("");'

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