After looking at that server, it appears that the default PHP4/FastCGI installation has some configuration problems and a request to index.php/Main/HomePage never run the index.php file.

On the other hand, PHP 5 on that server works correctly and it was trivial to enable it for the whole site, so this is what we did.


marc-alexis morelle writes:
Le 23/03/2013 05:23, Petko Yotov a écrit :
You are using pmwiki-2.2.29, that is more like n-20. :-)


Your pages appear mostly fine with index.php?n=Group.Page instead of


 You can temporarily comment out in config.php the
line containing $EnablePathInfo so that your internal links will work.

ok. I do that. It works. But I have to change all the "meta redirect"...

This may be fixable by adding in .htaccess the following line:
  Options +MultiViews

This don't change anything (visible by me :-)

If you can post the contents of your .htaccess files

<Files ~ ".dat">
  Order allow,deny
   Deny from all
   Satisfy All
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php

The last line was changed with the help of Online, but do not correct the problem.

and enable the
diagnostics tools on your wiki ($EnableDiag = 1; in config.php)

I did. And I thank you 1000 time for your help.


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