There used to be a cookbook recipe at but that page now redirects to

I had used the Cookbook/SkinChange recipe and I liked it but I can't seem to 
find it now. It allowed users to choose from a list of site skins so different 
users could use different skins on the same site.

Carol could use a dark blue skin with a sidebar (<!--wiki:Site.SideBar-->) 
included in the layout.

Adam could use a bright skin without a sidebar but have a menu bar 
(<!--wiki:Site.NavBar-->) under the $WikiTitle.

Tim could use a skin that had a three column layout.

All three users using separate skins on the same site. I have designed many 
PmWiki skins and would like to allow my visitors to have this ability.

Can this recipe be reinstated for those of us who want to use it? I felt it was 
a very nice recipe and am at a loss as to why it disappeared. It was much 
easier to use than the current Skins/SkinChange.

Rev. Ian MacGregor
pmwiki-users mailing list

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