Sérgio F. de Lima writes:
I am a pmwiki user for five years and count... Now I needed change server and decided to update my pmwiki.

After following the guidelines to upgrade and restore my /wiki.d and /local folder pmwiki don't show the contents of old pages. Old Pages there are (find show all old pages), but pmwiki only show blank pages :-(

Any suggestions?

My setup:
Version 2.2.56 folder wiki.d setting with chmod 755 (aprendendofisica.pro.br)

The wiki http://aprendendofisica.pro.br/pmwiki.php?action=diag runs version 2.2.30.

What you describe should have been fixed in most recent versions: it can be either a bug with iconv() or a change in htmlspecialchars() in PHP 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.

Try to update all files in your PmWiki installation, notably the file pmwiki.php and all files in the scripts/ directory.


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