Just to follow up on this.
I like to think that the links I put on my PmWikis are of 'quality' and
therefore support the sites I am referencing.
Hence I will be disabling the default URL link format for external links.



On 22 October 2013 21:15, StefCT <stef...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh, sorry, I hadn't noticed that nofollow applied only to *external*
> links. I blame the fact that it was late at night in Europe yesterday...
> and also that I had accidentally used a full URL for an internal link in
> at least one case.
> So I guess this isn't the reason why my site's subpages were almost
> impossible to find in Google. I think it is simply because very few
> external pages are linking to it.
> Anyway, I don't think any of the external links at http://hack.nylug.org
> deserved a nofollow tag. This is why I wish I had known about this
> feature (which certainly makes a lot of sense for open wikis) earlier.
> --StefCT
> On 10/22/2013 03:44 AM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> >
> > Well, let's make sure we're in agreement as to what rel=nofollow
> > actually does.  In PmWiki, rel=nofollow ends up on *external* links
> > -- i.e., the links that lead *away* from your PmWiki site.
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