That's exactly the feedback I needed.  I'm testing in a pure new pmwiki 
install, no extra includes just the auth password set...and that fixes the 
issue.  Next is figuring out how to handle that as far as making it a "real" 
recipe.  So it wasn't that this recipe was calling anything -- some other 
recipe(s) probably were.  Thankfully they can be turned off for this recipe to 
run since it doesn't deal with browser output, just pure wiki 
markup/pages...have to figure out a graceful way to exclude recipe includes if 
(!$action == 'xmlrpc') include...   may work but that's a lot to ask.  I may 
have to eliminate the HandleActions and instruct people to call the recipe 
directly after setting the passwords in config.php.  It basically circumvents 
nearly (only nearly) every recipe or customization one might put into 
config.php since it doesn't deal with HTML wiki output at all.

At least I can get past the roadblock and go on from here.  Thank you again!

re: PS: I considered calling CondAuth() to skip the rest of the loop when not 
authorized, then using ReadPage() to populate $page since it would only read 
pages that already passed CondAuth().  It would eliminate the need to weed out 
blank unauthorized pages later.  I also used CondAuth() as a way to double 
check that authentication was the problem.  

On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:50 AM, Petko Yotov wrote:

> I don't have the potential to review and debug all this but you need to NOT 
> have a username $_POST['authid'] at all, not empty, just not set, if you only 
> use "shared password" protection.
> Is it possible that you have some function calls to CondAuth(), 
> RetrieveAuthPage(), PageVar(), FmtPageName() or other core function before 
> you have set $_POST['authpw']? Some of these functions, if they retrieve 
> content from the wiki.d files, will cache the authorization levels.
> Typically, any function call in config.php, or in a recipe included from 
> config.php, can cache the levels. The function you set with $HandleActions is 
> called much later, at the end of the processing. So you may want to assingn 
> the $_POST['authpw'] value before any function call and before any included 
> recipe.
> Petko
> P.S. There is no point in calling CondAuth() before RetrieveAuthPage(). 
> CondAuth() actually returns (boolean)RetrieveAuthPage() so you do the same 
> CPU-intensive operation twice.

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