No - I was wrong.  I found the php.ini file, upped the memory size to the 
default of 128Mb and restarted Apache.  All fixed.

Many thanks for the help.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: pmwiki-users [] On Behalf Of 
Charles Weir
Sent: 03 March 2014 11:34
To: Petko Yotov;
Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] How to fix broken RSS feed and AllRecentChanges?

Thanks Petko for the response - I'm still a little baffled.

What the function seems to be doing is updating g, a static copy of most of the 
globals in the system.  The function's called in many places, and (I believe) 
works in them, so it would be surprising if it was a problem with a specific 
global.   [I don't know how to log the sizes of globals - any suggestions?]

Usually when I've encountered OOM on a specific function, it's been due to 
recursion happening somewhere.  Could it be something to do with page 

Certainly  Feeds.php::HandleFeed calls FmtPageName a lot, but I can't see 
anything that looks recursive.

Any suggestions, anyone?

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: pmwiki-users [] On Behalf Of 
Petko Yotov
Sent: 28 February 2014 19:27
Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] How to fix broken RSS feed and AllRecentChanges?

Charles Weir writes:
> The problem (in the PHP error log) is:
> [27-Feb-2014 15:37:17] PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of
> 12582912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7446 bytes) in C:\Program 
> Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\pmwiki\pmwiki.php on line 864
> The line number varies a little (862,863,864).  And I get the same 
> error no matter what page I request with RSS.
> I’ve tried the two suggestions:
> * We’re now running pmwiki-2.2.61
> * The Site/AllRecentChanges is only a few lines.
> And I’m stuck.  It looks to me as though the offending line is 
> something to do with collecting global variables!

Yes, this is wierd. On my server I have 128 megabytes of memory, you seem to 
have 12 megabytes. I reduced my memory limit to 2 megabytes and I haven't seen 
such errors.

Do you have installed some recipes/modules or other local customizations? It 
looks like there are one or more global variables containing more than 12 
megabytes data. If so, you can exclude them from being collected by adding 
something like this in config.php:

  # huge variable is $myvar
  $UnsafeGlobals[] = 'myvar';

Otherwise you can try increasing the memory limit in php.ini if you can: see .


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