One more piece of information: removing the ?> from the end of the backup script makes no difference -- still getting a blank line at the start of the page source.


On 28/04/14 1:52 PM, John Rankin wrote:

On 27/04/14 9:51 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
John Rankin writes:

> John Rankin writes:
>> I can see a blank first line in the regular html output too, so it's not
>> an artefact of wikipublisher's output.
>> I am unable to figure out where pmwiki inserts this blank first line and
>> how to prevent it. Any help would be appreciated.
> PmWiki doesn't insert a blank first line. Such lines are sometimes
> inserted
> by recipe which contain a closing ?> PHP tag followed by a new line. In
> this
> case, the backup_pages.php recipe inserts this new line.
> It is recommended to remove the closing ?> tag from all scripts, see:

Ah, thank you.

However, I checked and include url doesn't have a closing ?> tag. I can't see what this script is doing that could generate an empty first line. My
user has tested this with and without includeurl -- on his system, it
causes an empty first line.

I didn't write that includeurl causes this, I wrote that backup_pages.php causes this.
OK, I asked the user to re-test this (cc'd) and he tells me that both the backup and includeurl scripts independently cause a blank line at the start of the html and wikibook xml output. However, I have installed includeurl on a test system and am unable to replicate the problem.

I'm waiting to hear the result of removing the closing ?> from the backup script, but I'm at a loss as to how to proceed with includeurl, given that I can't reproduce the behaviour.

Any suggestions would be welcome.


John Rankin
Affinity Limited
T +64 4 495 3737
M +64 21 726 546

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