Oh, I just realized I could do something like:

function underscore() { return '_';}
$MakeUploadNamePatterns = array(
    "/[^$UploadNameChars]/" => '',
    '/\\.[^.]*$/e' => 'strtolower("$0")',
    '/^[^[:alnum:]_]+/' => '',
    '/[^[:alnum:]_]+$/' => '',
    '/\\s/' => 'underscore');

I'm stupid, sorry :/

On 06/17/2014 11:51 AM, Carles Escrig Royo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I used to have the $MakeUploadNamePatterns defined as:
> $UploadNameChars = "-\\w. ";
> $MakeUploadNamePatterns = array(
>     "/[^$UploadNameChars]/" => '',
>     '/\\.[^.]*$/e' => 'strtolower("$0")',
>     '/^[^[:alnum:]_]+/' => '',
>     '/[^[:alnum:]_]+$/' => '',
>     '/\\s/' => '_');
> Note it only differs with default on the space-underscore substitution.
> I just upgraded php and all other software in the server, and to my
> surprise filenames are not sanitized as expected any more. Lots of files
> are not recognized because their sanitized name is different :(
> The reason is that "_" is now a callable function of php:
> http://fr.php.net/_
> (Or, may be I didn't have the gettext extension enabled before)
> Anyway, do you think It's possible to bypass the problem without
> modifying scripts/upload.php?
> Regards,
> carles

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