On Jul 1, 2014, at 12:18 PM, michael paulukonis <xraysmalev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> re: http://pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Toggle
> In the toggle.php recipe of 2014-02-21, we see the following:
> $HTMLFooterFmt['toggle'] = "<script 
> type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"{$id}\").style.display = 
> '{$style}';</script>";
> This should create a simple string that is places into the HTMLFooterFmt hash 
> with the index of "toggle."
> How on earth is toggle supposed to function if there is more than one toggle 
> present on the page?

If you have more than one toggle, make sure they all have a different id. :)

I've used this recipe several times, and I love it.  It works very well.  When 
I used it with (:panelist:) for quizzes, I made sure to use a variable from the 
page (say $Name) as the index.

Example of a quiz at work, entirely PmWiki driven -- each quiz's info is stored 
in data pages elsewhere on the site, they have categories and are pulled into 
various pages of the website...  http://bte18.com/Main/GolfingBasics  So you 
can see the different calls to the toggle javascript code on the HTML end here.

> Am I missing something in PHP/PmWiki that would allow this to work?

It's a combo of PmWiki and Javascript at work here.  :)

> We don't see anything like this behavior in the older version from 2009-07-23
> Perhaps not coincidentally, I have multiple toggles working with the version 
> from 2009-07-23, but not with 2013-02-21
> Unless I make the following change:
>   $HTMLFooterFmt["toggle$id"] = "<script 
> type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"{$id}\").style.display = 
> '{$style}';</script>";

Try the same line in the toggle.php I got from the cookbook (years ago):
$HTMLFooterFmt[] = "<script 
type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById(\"{$id}\").style.display = 

The moment that you name it ['toggle'] it will only make one entry in 
$HTMLFooterFmt.  with the [] it will just append them all to the array with 
numbered indexes.

If you want them indexed "toggle" then yes they need unique $id appended to 
'toggle" so each index is unique... which is exactly what you said worked.
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