On Jul 8, 2014, at 2:28 PM, Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:

> Criss Ittermann writes:
>> I've tried several ways to get the radio button (for "Yes" or "I'll be 
>> there.") selected automatically in the RSVP form I posted on PmForm.
>> I tried selected, selected=selected, selected=1.  I also tried using an 
>> input default.  i'm not seeing the "selected" option being sent to the HTML.
>> (:input radio anchor selected=selected "I'll be there." :) Yes
> Radio buttons and checkboxes are checked with the "checked" attribute:
> (:input radio anchor "I'll be there." checked=checked:)
> To learn more look into any HTML reference, for example:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input
> http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_input.asp

I did search.  But because I was searching on "selected", of course it was 
unhelpful.  Thanks for pointing out my mistake.  I ended up on completely 
different pages which only confused the issue more.

And the input default failed due to an equal sign:
(:input default anchor="I'll be there.":)
needed to be 
(:input default anchor "I'll be there.":)

Argh.  Two cases of semantics over intuition.

Thank you again.
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