On 11/1/2014 3:07 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
I went
ahead and used anon functions with Markup, just to make things
internally consistent.

This is fine as long as your recipe is intended to only work with PHP
5.3 and more recent:

Ah, I was not aware of that. I'll update the wiki to make that clearer. In which case, I'll take the same approach as PmForm, and test for Markup_e, and use that, otherwise use the original behavior.

3. All: Any suggestions for this:
   $bodyTags = (preg_match_all('/\[\[\!(.*?)\]\]/e', $body, $match)
?$match[1] :array());

   To be honest I'm not entirely sure why the e modifier is used
there, but assuming it's needed, do we have Pm helper functions for

The "e" part should not be needed - it is ignored by preg_match_all().

Also, thanks to John, and Tiger!P -- your input is appreciated.

 ~ ~ David

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