A quick glance through the code leads me to believe this type of
functionality is not supported by mailform4 out of the box. (Apologies if
I'm missing something)

It would not be difficult to add if you can do some PHP coding.

Set up your radio buttons in the form as per instructions in Mailform4.
Then in the $Mailform4 variable configure 'recipient_1' and 'recipient_x'
with 1 or x corresponding to the value in the radio button. Within
 Mailform4Handler() look for the mail() function call - prior to that use a
conditional (if/elseif or switch) to set a variable (eg, $recipient) from
those values - then use $recipient in the mail() call.

Do note that after modifying mailform4 you will need to be sure you make
your changes again if you ever upgrade that recipe script. To avoid
confusion you may want to rename it to mymailform4.php or something.


On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 12:08 AM, erik burggraaf <burggraafe...@gmail.com>

> Hi,  I just set up mailform4 and I have a question about multiple
> contacts.  I would like to have multiple contact forms because I have
> several divisions.  There are also a few people in the main group that
> might need to be contacted for various reasons.  For example, an inquiry
> about how something works on the website should go to me as the web master
> to use the term loosely, while another inquiry about institutional policy
> should go to the president or vice of the organization.  Can I make a set
> of radio buttons tied to various email addresses so that a person can
> choose the appropriate place to send their inquiry?  Or do I need to
> appoint a gatekeeper?
> Thanks,
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