
According to http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ExternalLinks ...

Open external links in a new window

The $UrlLinkFmt variable specifies the HTML to be output when an external
link is generated by PmWiki. The following line in local/config.php (or a
local customization file) adds target='_blank' to the HTML so that each
external link is opened in a new window.
$UrlLinkFmt = "<a class='urllink' href='\$LinkUrl' rel='nofollow'
To disable this behavior for specific links, use %target=_self% in front of
the link to cause it to open in the current window.
Note that target= is no longer allowed for links in XHTML and your website
may fail to validate.


2015-04-07 21:46 GMT+02:00 Stephen F Roberts <wub...@gmail.com>:

> I am failing my google fu because it seems like this would be something
> someone else has solved already, but I would like a way to force external
> links to pop to a new window/tab rather than popping in the same window as
> my site.
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