I think I see the problem. See below.

On 8/04/15 1:05 AM, Jont Allen wrote:
http://hear.ai.uiuc.edu/Djvu/Allen/    <--- OLD
must map to:
http://auditorymodels.org/GEAR/Djvu/Allen/  <--- NEW

I assume that the markup would be:

Markup('urlmap', '<links', 'hear.ai.uiuc.edu', 'auditorymodels.org/GEAR/');
I think the trailing / is superfluous.

So I made this change in the config.php file. Then I went to:
and clicked on the pdf link
which is:

But this did not resolve to auditorymodels....
Instead it went to:
which is a dead link
The page source reads:

#Toscano, Joseph and Allen, Jont B (2014) ''Across and within consonant errors for isolated syllables in noise,'' Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Accepted July 25, 2014; doi:10.1044/2014_JSLHR-H-13-0244, ([[http://jslhr.pubs.asha.org/Article.aspx?articleid=1894924|JSLHR]],[[Public:Toscano-Allen-JSLHR-2014.pdf|pdf]])

The important bit is [[Public:Toscano-Allen-JSLHR-2014.pdf|pdf]]

This means there is a local/intermap.txt or local/farmmap.txt file which is mapping Public: into http://hear.ai.uiuc.edu/public/.

You will need to edit this file and replace the old url stem with the new one. In the intermap text file, change hear.ai.uiuc.edu to auditorymodels.org.

This should fix your problem I think.


John Rankin

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