
Am 25.04.2015 um 18:50 schrieb Wolfgang Faust:> PPRA() checks if the 
replacement is a callable, and uses
> preg_replace_callback if necessary. Instead of using /e in the pattern,
> make the replacement an anonymous function, like so:
> $MakePageNamePatterns = array(
>      "/([\\w])+/" => function($match) {
>         return strtolower($match[1]); # all lowercase
>     },
>     "/\\s+/" => ''                          # remove spaces
> );

Great, that was it:

$MakePageNamePatterns = array(
     "/(^\w)(\w+)/" => function($match)
           return strtoupper($match[1]).strtolower($match[2]); # all lowercase, 
except first character
    "/\\s+/" => ''                          # remove spaces

To fix already existing pages in directory wiki.d ==>
for i in $(ls -1); do mv $i  $(echo $i | sed -e 
's/Main\.\(\w\)\(.*\)/Main.\U\1\L\2/g'); done;

To fix special pages (hard coded anywhere ???) ==>
ln -s Main.Sidebar Main.SideBar

Now there is still a small issue with the PmWiki.* and Site.* pages,
but i think you could fix it with a small script that creates a link for every 
of this pages.

thx and greets 


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