
First, a LONG preface. Six months ago I bought an android based tablet. It's a nice Yoga 2 from Lenovo. Not bottle barrel atom processor, 1080p screen, 20+ hours of battery life, 2 weeks of stand by time (or something). The hardware seems to fit my base desires for a tablet just fine (save maybe the fact that it doesn't have a stylus holder).

The thing is, I still can't find a practical use for the thing. I have no desire to use it as a media consumption device (see also: youtube, netflix, facebook, etc). I don't really "skype" or whatever a lot either. I do have an electronics workbench with a nice DSO and stuff... so I've naturally downloaded some electronics related apps (formulas, resistor codes, etc). Also grabbed the thread pitch tool cause... I dunno. Lastly, Xodo so that I can draw on (pdf) schematics while assembling boards or whatever.

Buuuutttt... it's still of limited use.

Found something called "UrForms" which seems to be a slapped together front end for working with sqlite databases. Now we're getting slightly more useful. I've created some basic "forms" (aka tables?) for listing some stuff I own, some stuff I want, etc. Sadly, the interface is a bit lacking.


Getting to the point.

Why the )!(Q*%)(* just not run PmWiki on the thing ? I really do love / use pmwiki for a lot of things already. As a semi-personal database of sorts it makes sense!

I want it self contained within the tablet without internet connectivity required. I've looked at the Standalone and WikiOnAStick cookbook, and neither really suit my needs.

Has anyone done a PmWiki install running from an Android device ?

Was there a particular web server / setup they liked working with ?

Any warnings / pit falls ?

I don't think I've got root on the tablet, btw.

Any thoughts on accessing from outside the device (such as http://tablet:4242/wiki/ ... or somehow having a different webserver access the files on the tablet somehow) ? Being able to access the wiki from a computer would be handy (see also: bigger screen / better keyboard, etc) ?

In the coming weeks, I'll prolly go about making this happen on my own - and will either report back here or make a 'cookbook' out of it (even if just documentation ?).

-Will / unfy

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