Hi everyone,

I have run into a strange problem. I am moving my server to the latest version 
of Arch Linux. PmWiki always worked fine, but this time, when I try to access 
the site, I get a Server Error 500.

Looking at the Apache log, I have the following error:
[Mon Feb 29 12:17:55.953427 2016] [:error] [pid 1095] [client<>] PHP Parse error:  syntax 
error, unexpected '$m' (T_VARIABLE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in 
/home/philippe/Dropbox/Chaos/pmwiki/pmwiki.php(466) : run
time-created function on line 1
And, looking at the code, it's in a function that I don't understand at all:
function PCCF($code, $template = 'default', $args = '$m') {
  global $CallbackFnTemplates, $CallbackFunctions;
  if (!isset($CallbackFnTemplates[$template]))
    Abort("No \$CallbackFnTemplates[$template]).");
  $code = sprintf($CallbackFnTemplates[$template], $code);
  if (!isset($CallbackFunctions[$code])) {
    $fn = create_function($args, $code);
    if ($fn) $CallbackFunctions[$code] = $fn;
    else StopWatch("Failed to create callback function: ".PHSC($code));
  return $CallbackFunctions[$code];

By the way, this is with the latest version of PmWiki, 2.2.84 actually, in the 
previous version that I had, I had the same error on line 461 instead of 466).

I must also say that the php setup has changed a lot since my previous 
installation of Arch Linux. It is now using something called php7_module, 
instead of php5. I have tried to look at the differences, but honestly I am 
stumped, the code above is really too tough for me...

Thanks in advance,


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