On 04/05/17 09:54, Peter Kay wrote:
re: use ($pagename):

Ah, sorry - I replied without doublechecking my work.

'use (&$pagename) {etc}'  does work if it's defined in the global scope.
Seconded. Several recipes I have written use 'function ($m) use (&$pagename) { ... }'.

I have found this construct easy to maintain. But...
We also need to decide if we really drop PHP < 5.3 as there are many servers
still using older versions. BTW, pmwiki.org uses 5.2.

We will have to rewrite the core markup engine, markup rules and the
processing of various $*Patterns (future PmWiki versions may have to drop
support for PHP 5.2 and older).
I wonder whether now is the time to consider moving to "requires PHP 5.3 or above". PHP 5.2's end of life was 6 Jan 2011, so it may be reasonable to specify 6 Jan 2018 as the date beyond which new versions of pmwiki will require PHP 5.3 or above.


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