Have you considered the option of using a Replace On Save option to
write the long s to file and then not dealing with markup?  Or do you
specifically want only the display to be affected?

I recall that while I was looking at your earlier work, I was thinking
that your regular expression might benefit from a lookback assertion &
word boundaries.  But if your current regular expression works well,
there's no real reason to change it.

On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 3:18 PM, Lars Eighner <surn...@larseighner.com> wrote:
> Recently I asked about substituting long-s for s in pages.
> I wrongly assumed this would require a callback function, which in general,
> it doesn't.
> I got script suggests which sort of worked, but as one of the many tutorials
> I have reviews in resent days puts, substituting only in text parts using
> JavaScript is not trivial. Many attempts that seemed to work died in after
> the first inline element in the text. Moreover, long-s is not merely a
> matter of substituting every s in the text with long-s, but have variously
> defined contexts for making the substitution according to the clerical
> traditions or idiosyncrasies of the scribes. For rendering in print whether
> a particular font has suitable ligatures or digraphs is also a
> consideration.
> For PmWiki, the most important thing is that the substitutions NOT be made
> when the action is edit. The reason for this seems simple in retrospect.
> Editing exposes the directives and variable names and if substitutions are
> made in these, the results are catastrophic. Also I found it best to avoid
> pages in groups which generally are no rendered publicly.
> This is my result (along with some text-smoothing markup based on a recipes
> in the Cookbook but somewhat adapted. This takes a middle of the road
> approach to when to use long s, but can be easily adapted to other rules.
> Basically only s within words is changed and only the first of ss is
> changed. It is also easy to exclude the change when long s with the
> following letter is particularly unattractive. These could be shorter and
> faster if regex modifier g works, but it does not in some installations, so
> this is for the most general case.
> global $pagename;
> $pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename);
> $group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group');
> if( $group !== 'Site' && $group !== 'SiteAdmin' && $group !== 'PageAction'
>    && $action != 'edit') {
> #This is the long s line
> Markup('longs','>_end','/\>([^<]*?)([A-Za-rt-z])s([A-Za-z])([^<]*?)\</',
>       ">$1$2ſ$3$4<");
> #These are assorted text smoothers not all thoroughly tested.
> #straight quote for ditto and seconds/inches
> Markup("ditto",'>_end',"/\>([^<]*?)(\s)\"(\s)([^<]*?)\</",'>$1$2&quot;$3$4<');
> Markup("second",'>_end',"/\>([^<]*?)(\d)\"([^<]*?)\</",'>$1$2&quot;$3<');
> #straight apostrophe for minutes/feet
> Markup("minutes",'_end',"/\>([^<]*?)(\d)\'([^<]*?)\</",'>$1$2&#39;$3<');
> # make curly quotes
> Markup("curly",'>_end',"/\>([^<]*?)\"([^\"<]*?)\</",
> '>$1&#8220;$2&#8221;$3<');
> # curly single quote in contraction
> Markup("aasq",'_end',"/([A-Za-z])\'([A-Za-z])/",'>$1&#8217;$2');
> # make single curly quotes --fails if quoted matterial ends in s
> Markup("sq",'>_end',"/\>([^<]*?)(\W)'([^'<]*?)'([^<]*?)\</",
>    '>$1$2&#8216;$3&#8217;$4<');
> # m-dash
> Markup( "mdash", '<ndash', "/---([^-])/", '&mdash;$1' );
> # n-dash (beware [-- and --])
> Markup( "ndash", '>_end', "/([^\\[])--([^-\\]])/", '$1&ndash;$2' );
> # ellipsis
> Markup( "...", '>end', "/\.\.\./", '&hellip;' );
> ##Just for medieval types
> #old style etc.
> Markup( "etc", '>_end', "/etc\./", '&amp;c.' );
> Markup( "Eetc", '>_end', "/Etc\./", '&amp;c.' );
> }
> --
> Laurence Eighner Hexamer
> surn...@larseighner.com
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