[Resending to the list as it bounced back.]

$DefaultPasswords['read'] = array('@read', crypt('pw3'), crypt('pw4'));

You need to add read permissions to the @edit group too:

$DefaultPasswords['read'] = array('@read', '@edit', crypt('pw3'), crypt('pw4'));

It may not be intuitive but PmWiki allows that a user be able to edit without being able to read the edited page, for example in form processing addons.

If this does not fix the problem, i.e. even users with @read permissions cannot login, we can discuss this further.

And a note: the documentation source uses the markup "->" for indentation, but you need to write the actual directives without any markup, for example, not:

  --> user1: $2y$...      (wrong)
  --> @read: user1, user2 (wrong)

You need to write those either at start of line or after only spaces:

  user1: $2y$...
  @read: user1, user2


On 08/08/2018 18:29, Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
Thank you for the reply. I will attempt an upgrade to 2.2.109. I have to be careful since I have some files sitting around in the public areas, etc. :)

I am running PHP 5.5.9. Would the crypt/pmcrypt still be an issue? The
passwords generated by using *crypt* are not an issue. It's that the accounts
listed in /SiteAdmin/AuthUser  do *not* work.


On Wednesday, August 8, 2018 2:50:22 AM AKDT Petko Yotov wrote:
If you have PHP 5.6 or newer you can no longer use crypt() this way.

You should upgrade to the latest PmWiki version, 2.2.109 and change all
calls to crypt() with pmcrypt().

Please read the release notes before you upgrade.


P.S. Version 2.2.109 should work even with older PHP versions.

On 06/08/2018 09:52, Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
> I'm trying to convert to AuthUser. However, when I try to login in, it
> goes
> right back to the login screen
> I have AuthUser enabled. The first part of config.php looks like:
> <?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
> $WikiTitle = 'My Title';
> $PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/images/my_header.jpg";
> $EnableUpload = 1;
> $UploadPrefixFmt = '/$Group/$Name';
> $EnableUploadVersions=1;
> # We want to be able to enable password protection on pages
> $DefaultPasswords['admin'] = array(crypt('pw'), crypt('pw2'));
> $DefaultPasswords['read'] = array('@read', crypt('pw3'), crypt('pw4'));
> $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = array('@edit', crypt('pw5'));
> $DefaultPasswords['upload'] = array('@edit', crypt('pw6'));
> # Enable AuthUser
> include_once("$FarmD/scripts/authuser.php");
> NOTE: using the "old" (existed before switch to AuthUser) pwX passwords
> still
> works, as it should...just not the new user/pass combinations.
> /SiteAdmin/AuthUser looks like:
> user1: $!$<password created with (:encrypt wonderland:)>
> ---
> userN: $!$<password created with (:encrypt wonderland:)>
> @read: user1, user2, user3
> @edit: user4, user5, user6

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